Hello !

I am Shadan

Front-End Web Developer

Front-end web developer and computer science specialist with experience in React, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and ASP.NET as well as Back-end experience using C# and SQL Server. Worked as an instructor in C++, ASP.NET, and Linux. Strong team-building and leadership skills.


Recent Project

React JS




About Me


Build & Design with Passion

I am a skilled web developer who is eager to learn more technologies to sharpen my skillset. I am passionate about web development because I am a creative problem-solver with high attention to detail while building websites. I started studying code because I enjoy thinking about and solving complex issues through computer programming. While earning my BS in Computer Science and Information Technology at Salahaddin University, I learned how to create databases using Access and SQL Server and how to create websites using ASP.NET.

I have taught a wide range of computer subjects such as C++, ASP.NET, and LINUX LPI to students at the Gasha Institute. I graduated from Re:Coded's Front-End Web Development Bootcamp—a competitive 5-month bootcamp focused on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and React—in 2020.

Full Name

Shadan Abdulkarim Rasheed

Phone Number



  • Computer Science Instructor ( Gasha Institute ) - Erbil, Iraq (2018 - 2021) :
    • Evaluated and grew academic development of students as a member of the Examination Committee and Scientific Affairs;
    • Supervised groups of student projects, giving one-on-one and team feedback on coding and providing mentorship while meeting deadlines;
    • Taught Computer Science subjects to more than 150 students, responsible for curriculum planning, testing, syllabus, and grading.

Programming skills

  • myLogo

    React, JavaScript, HTML and CSS
  • myLogo

  • myLogo

    Microsoft SQL Server and Microsoft Access
  • myLogo

    Programming Languages (C++)
  • myLogo



  • Re:Coded Bootcamp ( Re:Coded + Flatiron School ) - 2020
    • Front End Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React).
    • 5 month intense web development program run by Re:Coded with Flatiron School's curriculum.
  • College of Science/ Salahaddin University ( Salahaddin University ) – Erbil, Iraq (2013 -2017)
    • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Information Technology (Class Rank: 4 out of 59 )
  • University of Kurdistan-Hawler ( UKH ) – Erbil, Iraq (2012 - 2013)
    • English Access degree. One year of studying academic English writing, reading, and listening